My study is focused on the taxonomy, systematics, ecology and evolution of fungi that live in symbiosis with other organisms such us insects. The groups of fungi with which I have the most experience are those of the Hypocreaceae family, i.e., Escovopsis, Sympodiorosea, Luteomyces and Trichoderma, which are associated with fungus-growing ant colonies. The colonies of these social insects are considered a canonical system to study symbiosis and evolution. I have been working with fungus-growing ant over 10 years, notwithstanding, I am constantly in search of new insect systems to achieve my goals

Fungus growing ants




Fungus-growing ants (Formicidae, Myrmicinae, Attini) are a diverse group of eusocial insects that maintain complex symbiotic relationships with different groups of fungi. The backbone of Attini system is the mutualistic relationship with Basidiomycota fungi that they cultivate in their ‘fungus gardens’ for food.







Fungiculture by Attini ants originated approximately 66 Mya, but far from being just an interspecific relationship between the ants and their fungal partners the colonies of these insects host a plethora of microorganisms that live forming complex symbiotic networks. such as those in the Hypocreaceae family.








Fungi in the Hypocreaceae family are well known for being ubiquitos organisms with a wide taxonomic and ecological diversity. However, there are some Hypocreaceae genera found exclusively associated with the Attini colonies , i.e., Escovopsis, Escovopsioides, Luteomyces and Sympodiorosea. The study of Hypocreacea fungi that inhabit the Attini colonies has increaced considerable in the last decades.







This is the case of the genus Escovopsis, which is one of the most studied fungal genera within the Attini system. Escovopsis is a diverse monophyletic genus whose main morphological character is to form terminal vesicles on the tips of their conidiophores.

Potter wasps

The genus Sceliphron is a group of wasps of the Sphecidae family. The ecological importance of these insects relies in their predatory behavior towards other insects in nature. These wasps usually build their nests with clay in preexisting cavities, provisioning them with spiders and caterpillars to feed their offspring. The association of Sceliphron spp. with fungi is still an open to question to be address.
Considering their importance as pollinators, predators, and biological controllers, studies that uncover the diversity of fungi associated with these insects are necessary to shed light on how this symbiotic systems wrok and their environmental importance. So, by using culture dependent methods we are currently trying to uncover the diversity of fungi associated with Sceliphron curvatum wasps. This study is being developed by Gabriela Coelho de Moraes Barttuciotto with a scholarship financiered by the ‘Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica da Unesp’ – PIBIC Unesp.

Paper wasps

Colonies of social insects are considered hotspots for the study of diversity, as well as for the discovery of new species of fungi for science. Although there are canonical examples for the study of fungi associated with insects, other systems, such as colonies of the social wasps Polybia paulista (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Polistinae), have been little explored. Polybia paulista plays an important ecological role as a controller of other insects, and as a pollinator of several plants. In addition, the presence of these wasps indicates the health of ecosystems, making it an important bioindicator. Despite this, the fungi associated with the system of these social insects are completely unknown. In this sense, we are currently accessing the diversity of fungi associated with social wasps Polybia paulista through the project ‘Unraveling the associated funga of colonies of the paper wasps Polybia paulista (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Polistinae). The main objective of this project is to contribute to the knowledge of the diversity of fungi associated with these wasps and it is being developed by Ana Júlia Rodrigues de Andrade with a scholarship financiered by the Projeto – Bolsa COPE CONECTA, Unesp.