I am a mycologist originally from Peru. Currently, I am a postdoctoral fellow at the Laboratory of Fungal Ecology and Systematics (LESF – Institute of Bioscience, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil) and my research brings together different approaches of classical taxonomy, systematics, ecology and evolutionary biology for the study of fungi. I attended the Federico Villarreal National University (UNFV) – Lima, Peru, to study biology. Besides, I hold a MSc degree and a PhD in Biological Sciences (area: Applied Microbiology) awarded by the São Paulo State University (UNESP Rio Claro, SP, Brazil), and I was a visiting researcher studying evolution of fungi at The Gerardo Lab, Emory University, Atlanta, USA.

My dream as a mycologist is to study fungal trait evolution, and how symbiosis with other organisms influence the evolution of this organisms. The results of my studies are published in different journals such as Science, Studies in Mycology, IMA fungus, Mycokeys, Microbial Ecology, Frontiers in microbiology, Mycological Progress, Fungal ecology, PloseOne, among others (see publications for more details).